Local Rules
Course Playing Rules
Local Rules as of 1st April 2024
Care of the Course
Holes in Bunkers
Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints. Do not rake sand out of bunkers.
Replace Divots: Repair Pitch Marks and Damage by Spikes
Through the green, a player should ensure that any turf cut or displaced by him should be replaced at once and pressed down and that any damage to the putting green made by a ball is carefully repaired. Divots on Par 3 Tees should be repaired by using the divot mix provided. Damage to the putting green caused by golf shoe spikes and ball pitch marks should be repaired on completion of the hole. Damage caused by spikes can be repaired before taking your putt, provided you are not improving the line.
Damage to Greens – Flagsticks
Players should ensure that, when putting down flagsticks, no damage is done to the putting green and neither they nor their caddies damage the hole by standing close to it, in handling the flagstick or in removing the ball from the hole. The flagstick should be properly replaced in the hole before the players leave the putting green. Players should not damage the putting green by leaning on their putters, particularly when removing the ball from the hole.
Damage Through Practice Swings
In taking practice swings, players should avoid causing damage to the course, particularly to the tees by removing divots.
Steps, paths and grass banks
Please take care when using steps on the course. Do not climb tee banks. Designated paths should be used whenever possible.
Litter and rubbish
It is an offence to deposit any litter (including drink cans and bottles) anywhere on the course or in the car park other than in the receptacles provided. Any member in breach of this rule may be suspended under Bye - Law 4.
Trolleys and Buggies
No trolleys or buggies to be wheeled between greenside bunkers and greens at any time. No trolleys or buggies to be taken on to the teeing ground, greenside apron, main greens or temporary greens. Bags should not be carried onto the greens.
The use of a trolley (electric or pull) or a buggy is not permitted at any time when the ‘Trolley Ban’ notice is displayed outside the clubhouse. Medical dispensation must be approved by the Club Manager on receipt of paperwork signed by a Medical Practitioner, a blue badge is not sufficient.
A trolley ban will only be lifted when conditions are favourable. A trolley ban will not automatically be lifted when the course is re-opened or main greens are re-instated.
The use of Buggies is permitted under guidance of the Professional, please adhere to Buggy signage at all times. Misuse of a Buggy may result in suspension under Bye-Law 4.
Practice is only permitted in the designated practice areas. Pitching is not allowed onto the practice putting green. PRACTICE ON THE COURSE IS NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME
Health and Safety
All directional and safety signs must be adhered to.
Green Keepers
Green keepers have priority on the course before 8am.
Daylight Hours
No play is permitted on the course of any description if the flag on the first green cannot be clearly seen from the first tee and the flag on the 14th green viewed from the area adjacent to the 10th tee cannot be clearly seen. This includes all practice areas. Play is never permitted during the hours of darkness (except when playing a Night Golf Organised Event) or before the Green Keepers have inspected the course (6.00am in Summer and 7.00am in Winter).
Fog or Poor Visibility
If the flag on the first green cannot be clearly seen from the first tee and the flag on the 14th green viewed from the area adjacent to the 10th tee cannot be clearly seen due to fog, low cloud or general poor visibility, the Green Staff, Professional or Manager, or their acting deputies have been authorised to close the course, and display the ‘Course Closed’ notice. This includes all practice areas.
The course will only be re-opened when the flags on these two holes have been visible from these two designated viewpoints for a continuous period of 15 minutes. The decision to re-open the course and practice areas can only be made by authorised personnel either by an appropriate notice, the removal of the ‘Course Closed’ notice or verbally.
In the event of closure during play, 3 short blasts will be sounded on a horn. All golfers will be required to leave the course immediately.
All golfers must be aware that should visibility deteriorate whilst out on the course, they have a duty of care to themselves and other golfers to return to the clubhouse safely.
Play may be suspended at any time due to lightning. If the claxon sounds, all players must return to the Clubhouse immediately.
Any member found to be playing on the course in breach of this ruling will be suspended pending possible disciplinary action being taken
Course Closure
In the event the course is closed due to adverse weather and subsequently those conditions improve, the Green Staff or, in their absence, the Head Professional or assistant may review the situation and open the course for play, either on temporary or main greens.
The timing of an inspection by the Green Staff or the Head Professional will be at a time appropriate to the changing condition of the course and at their own discretion. Pressure from members to accelerate this process is not acceptable.
Order of play – See also Course Playing Rules
Play is only permitted to commence from the 1st and 12th tees unless authorised for a shotgun competition.
Play the course in order unless directed by the rules of a competition or the starter on the day. If you must cross over and play holes out of sequence, please ensure that you are not holding up play for others who may be on the hole behind.
You should not play casual golf between competitors in a competition unless directed by the starter on the day.
Undue Delay – The Cabin
Players making use of the cabin must allow following players to play through or be prepared to continue their game immediately the 12th tee is free. Slow play and causing delay to other players is not acceptable at any time.
General Rules
Consideration for other players
No one should move, talk or stand close to or directly behind the ball or hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
In the interest of all, players should play without delay. The club operates ready golf.
No player shall play until the players in front are out of range.
Players searching for a ball should signal the players behind them to pass as soon as it becomes apparent that the ball will not easily be found they should not search for 3 minutes before doing so. They should not continue play until the players following them have passed out of range.
When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green.
If a match fails to keep its place on the course and loses more than one clear hole on the players in front, it should allow the match following to pass.
All players MUST have their own equipment, bag, trolley, clubs and wear appropriate golf shoes at all times, remember the maximum number of clubs in your bag at any one time is 14.
Courtesy to the Captain
The Captain and his party shall be given precedence at the first tee by any other player.
These rules are in addition to those printed on the scorecard.