The Rules of Ready Golf
Goal: A fourball should take no longer than 4 hours 10 minutes
Keep up with the group in front and not just in front of the group behind
If the group in front of you is in the fairway, your group should be on the tee
Be ready to hit when group in front moves to next hole
Invite those behind to play through if losing ground on those ahead or on losing a ball
On the Tee
No “Honours”- (except in Match Play) The first player ready tees off
Shorter hitter should hit first
Carry an extra ball in case you need to re-tee
On the Fairway
Hit when ready, but safely, no “Honours”
Shorter hitters should hit, if longer hitters are waiting
Watch other players hit shots to avoid looking for golf balls
Lost Ball
All other players go to your own ball. Hit and come back to help look for lost ball
Do not take more than 3 minutes to find lost ball
On the Green
Park carts between green and next tee
If one player is having trouble around the green, others should putt up until player in trouble is ready
Get ready to putt before it’s your turn
Whenever possible continue putting until holed out
1st player in the hole picks up the flag (except in competition play)
Move quickly off green, record scores at next tee